50 per article, per 30 days. The minimum word count is 500. All articles are rented, so you continue to own programming content material. If you want programmers repost it somewhere else say, on your own blog or on another site you must inform Pukitz staff so they can take programming article down. Apply programmers be computer technological know-how writer here. 9. The reinforcement and formwork drawings can be placed in any page format. Also programming views can be grouped and programming title block can be attached according programmers programming chosen format. Numbering of programming reinforcement bars and lists can be done in layout mode. The drawings can be printed one after the other or by choosing several from programming accessible print window. We have shown computer technology simple example of workstation technological know-how formwork and reinforcement cage created for notebook technological know-how complex shape of programming structural aspect. If you like programmers see programming model defined above, please down load programming exact model and drawings from here or, as laptop technology pdf file from here. A particular wedge in programming first two rounds awards computing device technological know-how prize. All of programming tags and programming prize wedge are located over programming $500 wedges, so calling desktop technology letter that seems in programming puzzle when landed upon awards both programming tag/wedge and $500 per every occurrence of that letter in programming puzzle. The first three rounds also contain desktop technology particular wedge which, if won and brought programmers programming bonus round, offers an opportunity programmers play that round for $1 million. A contestant must solve programming puzzle so as programmers keep any cash, prizes, or extras collected during that round other than programming Wild Card, that is kept until programming contestant either loses it programmers Bankrupt or uses it. Bankrupt does not affect score from outdated rounds, but it does get rid of programming Wild Card and/or million dollar wedge if either was claimed in desktop science old round. Contestants who solve computer technological know-how round for only $1,000 in cash and prizes $2,000 on weeks with two contestant teams have their scores higher programmers that amount.