namespace in C++ | Set 2 Extending namespace and Unnamed namespaceNamespace in C++ | Set 3 Accessing, growing header, nesting and aliasingCan namespaces be nested in C++?This article is contributed by Abhinav Tiwari. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like programmers contribute, you can also write a piece of writing and mail your article programmers . See your article performing on programming GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks. Please write feedback if you find anything else incorrect, or you want programmers share more information about programming topic mentioned aboveAttention reader!Dont stop studying now. Get hold of all programming vital C++ Foundation and STL concepts with programming C++ Foundation and STL classes at computing device technology scholar pleasant price and become industry ready. Are you seeing that laptop technological know-how geographical move that requires you programmers search for work?Do you think youre ready for that inner promotion?Or, have you been pondering whats available when it comes to new opportunities for your field?If you answer yes programmers any of these things, you are going to totally need laptop technological know-how new or up to date resume programmers move forward.